Productive Dry Fruits Processing Industry. Start a Dried Fruit and Nut Business. Preparing of Cashew, Almond, Walnut, Raisins (Kishmish/Munnakka) and Figs

Dried organic product is natural product that has had practically all of the water content eliminated through drying strategies. The organic product contracts during this cycle, leaving a little, energy-thick dried organic product. Raisins are the most well-known sort, trailed by dates, prunes, figs and apricots. Different assortments of dried natural product are likewise accessible, in some cases in sweetened structure (glossed over). These incorporate mangoes, pineapples, cranberries, bananas and apples. Dried natural product can be saved for significantly longer than new leafy foods be a convenient bite, especially on long outings where refrigeration isn’t accessible.


Cashews are nuts that are found at the lower part of cashew apples and looking like kidneys. They are generally famous all through the world, particularly in Asian and African nations. They are referred to as really nuts as they have such countless nourishing advantages. They contain high amounts of proteins and different fundamental minerals like magnesium, zinc, copper, phosphorus, calcium, and potassium. They likewise contain a large group of nutrients like nutrient C, B1, B2, B3, B6, E and K.

In India, cashew was first presented in Goa, from where it spread to different pieces of the country. At first, it discovered use in soil restricting to actually take a look at disintegration. Business development started in the mid 1960s and, throughout the long term, cashew turned into a harvest with high monetary worth and accomplished the situation with a product arranged item, acquiring extensive unfamiliar trade for the country.

· Export of cashew nutshell fluid/Cardanol from India remained at 6,908 MT, esteemed at Rs 26.28 crore (US$ 4.08 million) during April 2017-December 2017, while commodities of cashew portions remained at 67,653 MT, esteemed at Rs 4,715.21 crore (US$ 731.15 million) during a similar period.

· Export income from crude cashew nut during April 2017-October 2017 remained at 3,775 MT worth US$ 6.96 million.

· India represents around 65% of worldwide cashew sends out.

· India sends out cashew pieces to more than 60 nations. Its significant business sectors are the US, the Netherlands, Japan, Spain, France, Germany, the UK just as Middle East nations like the UAE and Saudi Arabia.

India is the significant cashew developing country in the Asia-Pacific, situated as the biggest maker of crude cashew nut (RCN) worldwide with 5.5 lakh metric tons per annum. In India, cashew is filled in the peninsular spaces of Kerala, Karnataka, Goa and Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa and West Bengal. The nation is the single biggest maker and exporter of cashews, representing 40% of the worldwide offer. It is additionally the biggest merchant of RCN universally, with around 8 lakh metric huge loads of normal yearly imports, trailed by Vietnam.

Worldwide Cashew Nut Demand is expanding:

Cashew is frequently viewed as ‘helpless man’s harvest and rich man’s food’ and is a significant money crop and exceptionally esteemed nut in the worldwide market. The region under cashew development is the most elevated in India. Be that as it may, it isn’t the case on account of usefulness, preparing and quality. In actuality, the Indian cashew industry has a high undiscovered potential to help the occupation of cashew ranchers, give various work openings and further develop returns through worldwide exchange. The current work extends the requirement for significant changes to be made in the current framework, in order to track down a generous improvement in the development of the Indian cashew industry.

In 2016, cashew nut request expanded by 6.1 percent. In 2021, it is normal that cashews assume control more than 29% of the worldwide nut market. Regardless of whether the creation volume development can fulfill the expanding need is dubious. Contrasted with the 6.1 percent increase sought after, creation volume expanded simply by 3%. Costs are relied upon to stay high, and the numbers are just to develop with strong interest for cashew.

The worldwide Cashew Nuts market is esteemed at million US$ in 2017 and will arrive at million US$ before the finish of 2025, developing at a CAGR of during 2018-2025.


Almonds are the seeds of the natural products developed from the almond tree. The logical name of these dry natural products is Prunus dulcis and they are local to the Middle East, India, and North Africa. They are currently found in places like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, and Israel also. The flavor of almonds goes from sweet to unpleasant and both are promptly accessible in business sectors.

Almonds are one of the world’s generally nutritious and adaptable nuts, eminent for their numerous medical advantages and culinary employments. Find your #1 almond items at from premium incomparable measured crude almonds and sugarcoated Jordan almonds, to finely whitened almond flour and all regular almond margarines for your eating and formula needs.

Request development for almonds is generally determined by India’s extending working class and expanded customer attention to items saw as stimulating. Indian almond utilization in MY 2017/18 has been determined at 97,000 MT, a 10 percent increment over the earlier year. This expansion is driven by low market costs, a powerless dollar, changing buyer inclination, and expanded interest during the non-bubbly season. Additionally, the early bubbly season is relied upon to prompt higher almond stocks in the Year 2017-18, which are determined at 39,400 MT.

The worldwide almond creation is projected to arrive at 1.3 million tons in 2017/18 from 1.2 million tons in 2016/17.

Almonds are prominently known nuts, local of North Africa, Middle East and Indian Subcontinent. The Almond natural product comprises of four sections part, center shell, external green shell cover and seed coat. The wholesome significant part is piece, yet shell and external coat is likewise being recognized as dietary and restorative, and utilized for various reason. Almonds are viewed as vital in diet because of its nourishing advantages, for example, it is extremely low in cholesterol and sodium, great wellspring of riboflavin, iron, zinc manganese, and magnesium and contains significant degrees of Vitamin E.

While eating crude almonds or utilizing it in various dishes , almonds are solely utilized for assembling of various almond based items like shakes, drinks, chocolates, almond based yogurts, Almond oil, Almond cream, rolls, hair care, skin health management and beauty care products, Almond Butter, flour, and some more.

Almond items market is division on premise of uses as drinks, tidbits, pastry kitchen and confectionary, individual consideration and beauty care products, drug and others. Almonds are the second most well known nut in nibbling market. Also, utilized as crude or cooked and prepared nibble around the world. In pastry shop and confectionary market section almond are top most well known nuts only utilized in items like cakes, treats, and so on Almonds are customarily being utilized underway of chocolate bars, confections and so forth, just as almonds covered with chocolates have popularity by chocolate darlings. In refreshment market portion, with increment wellbeing concerns identified with utilization of customary milk and milk based items, Almond milk has acquired significant offer as option in contrast to conventional milk. Considering high skin health management and calming properties of Almonds, Almond oil and concentrate is solely in beauty care products and individual consideration items and have high market interest from the business. Almond oil and concentrates are utilized in items like body oils, hair oils, creams and moisturizers, medicines of skin hypersensitivities and so on Considering its medical advantages for heart, cerebrum, resistant framework and malignancy anticipation capacity, almond concentrate’s and oil’s market request is filling in drug items.


Pecans are round, single-cultivated stone natural products that develop from the pecan tree. They are a decent wellspring of stimulating fats, protein, and fiber. They might improve heart and bone wellbeing and help in weight the executives, among different advantages.

Pecans are a wrinkly, globe-like nut that is the product of the pecan tree. They fill in a hard shell, which when opened uncovers the pecan. This is then parted in two and subsequently you will be acquainted with considering them to be level sections. Pecans are typically eaten crude or simmered.

Homegrown pecan creation is relied upon to increment by three percent to arrive at 34,000 MT (in-shell premise) in MY 2017/18. Indian pecan creation is fundamentally restricted to the slope territories of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, and Uttarakhand. Indian pecans are named hard, medium, or dainty shell (kaghazi) and the normal shelling rate is around 40%.

The worldwide pecans market was esteemed at US$6,197.1 mn in 2017 and is relied upon to arrive at a valuation of US$8,534.5 mn before the finish of 2025. During the estimate long periods of 2017 and 2025, the worldwide market is relied upon to ascend at a CAGR of 4.1%. Out of the two classifications, the shelled pecans are relied upon to lead the worldwide market as the portion is scheduled to display a CAGR of 4.4% during the figure time frame. Topographically, Asia Pacific held a portion of 54.7% in the worldwide pecan market in 2017 and is relied upon to rule the worldwide market in the approaching years.

Pecans are as a rule thoroughly utilized as a fixing in the food business, drug industry, individual consideration and makeup industry which is supporting the market development sooner rather than later. Because of an expanding lactose bigoted populace across the globe, purchaser request is moving more from cow’s milk to nut based milk, prompting a considerable expansion in the utilization of pecan milk, attributable to its sans lactose qualities.

Expanding tendency of the buyers towards keeping a sound way of life has prompted an expansion in utilization of quality food items and food fixings. Growing interest for good food combined with the use of pecans in end use enterprises are the essential drivers driving the worldwide pecans market during the conjecture time frame. The market I

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